【TSIEQ 2020 延期公告】
感謝您對 TSIEQ 2020 的熱烈響應和支持,原訂109年7月27-28日舉辦之
「2020 年亞洲空氣污染 / 室內環境品質健康與智慧生活研討會」,
大會籌辦委員會因應新型冠狀肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情,
決定將研討會延期至明年 (民國110年) 擇期辦理,確切日期待大會決議後公告。
【TSIEQ 2020-Postponement Announcement】
Thank you for your generous support of 2020 Conference on Environmental Air Pollution, Indoor Environmental Quality Health and Intelligent Living in Asia (TSIEQ 2020).
In view of global unrest due to COVID-19, Taiwan Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced a restraining order regarding large-scale indoor and outdoor events.
Following the CECC directive, the organizing committee hereby are regretful to inform you that the conference has elected to reschedule to be held in 2021.
The new venue and dates will be announced as soon as possible.